Assignment 2 – Jeremy Gillitzer

When researching anorexia in the modelling industry the first person i looked at was of course Isabelle Caro, the famous model who’s Anorexia finally took her life.

I then wondered if there were any male models with a similar story, and there was! I came across the story of Jeremy Gillitzer who was a male model, he had a 29 year struggle with Anorexia and Bulimia and eventually it took his life when he was just 38, he weighed only 88 pounds.  Like Caro he wanted to make his illness known to the public in attempt to support others with eating disorders and to bring awareness to the public. Gillitzer did this by writing about his story in the magazine ‘City Pages’ and making the images below public.

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Another way Gillitzer supported other people was with his blog :

Jeremy’s Journey- A Male’s Battle with Bulimia and Anorexia

Before his passing Gillitzer posted regularly on his blog about his progress and his health and is very open as to why he’s either on a high or a low.  It was heartbreaking to read especially knowing he has now passed away, but it gave me a huge understanding as to why he ended with with an eating disorder and why he couldn’t recover, this originally starting with bullying from his step father about his weight and then his sexuality, he then became obsessed with exercise and then couldn’t stop losing weight.

This video was made days before his death:



2 thoughts on “Assignment 2 – Jeremy Gillitzer

  1. I just want to congratulate you on the mass amount of progress you made with the second assignment despite falling behind quite heavily; you should know you’re more capable than you think.

    Keep calm and carry on.

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